Heat recovery in chemical production processes
April 24, 2025 09:00 AM CET

With energy costs on the rise and CO2 certificate prices increasing within the EU, the economic benefits of heat recovery are today more relevant than ever.
Explore how you can enhance your energy efficiency, reduce your carbon emissions and profit from financial savings thanks to heat recovery with GEA’s Technology.
During this Webinar you will:
Learn about GEA's innovative solutions for energy efficiency improvement.
Discover how you can unlock the full potential of your processes’ gases.
Get familiar with all the ways in which GEA’s technologies can be customized to your specific needs.
Come in touch with real life application examples.
Get a chance to quiz our experts.
The Webinar lasts 20 minutes, followed by a live Q&A session.
We will be hosting this webinar on April 24th at 09:00 CET
Meet the experts:

Julia Szabadi-Fuchs
“The shared responsibility for the environment and the preservation of natural resources is in our hands. With GEA scrubber technology, we are contributing to this.”

Dr. Johannes Schäffer
"Efficient gas treatment is vital on our societal path to sustainability, be it for emission control, heat recovery or conditioning. GEA scrubber technology is ready to step in and push up the efficiency of your processes."