Protein production from insects

March 20, 2025 09:00 AM CET

New solutions to the global protein challenge.

Insect protein is rapidly gaining importance as a sustainable alternative to traditional protein sources. As global demand for alternative protein rises, insects offer a solution that is both resource-efficient and environmentally friendly. Our commitment to innovation in this field shows through our collaborations with pioneering startups and research institutions. By providing not only equipment but also extensive process knowledge, GEA is helping to scale up insect protein production from experimental to commercial levels. The company's holistic approach, covering everything from devitalization to final product refinement, positions GEA as an indispensable partner in the growing insect protein industry.


During this Webinar you will:

  • Learn how our separation and concentration technologies are an untapped source for gaining insect proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.

  • Get familiar with our expertise’s span throughout the complete protein process: from preparing raw materials, to extracting, purifying and drying proteins, all the way through recycling excess heat and water as well as effluent cleaning.

  • See firsthand how flexible and adaptable our processes are and how a tailored process translates in energy efficiency, elevated sustainability and reduced costs.

  • Analyze real life application examples.

  • Get a chance to quiz our experts.


The Webinar lasts 25 minutes, followed by a live Q&A session.

We will be hosting this webinar on March 20th at 09:00 CET


 Meet the experts:

Francisco Moncayo

Project Manager – Evaporation, GEA Wiegand

“Our skid-mounted Falling Film and Forced Circulation Evaporators offer the benefits of a standardized system while portraying maximum flexibility.”

Stefan Kirchner

Project Manager Sales Renewables – Separation, GEA Westfalia

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