Waste Heat Recovery for the cement & glass industry

April 10, 2025 09:00 AM CET

Limiting greenhouse gas emissions: Efficient use of waste heat in industrial production processes such as cement or glass.

Heat recovery is a smart and uncomplicated way to hijack the volatility of ever-rising energy prices.

Factors like the globality of supply chains and the increasing carbon certificate prices forecast further increases in the short-and-mid-term. So, harnessing the power of unused waste heat in industries like the cement and glass ones comes through as one of the levers for improving the overall efficiency, decarbonizing the glass production and reducing operational expenses.

In this presentation we will show a case study for the integration of a heat recovery system for two glass production lines, with a heat exchanger up- as well as downstream a gas cleaning plant and the utilization of the waste heat for one common ORC system to prove electric power. We will look at space demand, the integration into the glass production and further boundary conditions.


During this Webinar you will:

  • Get to know why and how investing in Waste Heat Recovery translates in considerable financial savings through better control of your energy costs, overall improved efficiency and lower carbon emissions.

  • Learn how GEA’s expertise is helping customers around the world as we present real-life references both in the cement and glass industry.

  • Find out the unique advantages that come with a GEA tailor-made solution for your Waste Heat Recovery needs.

  • Get a chance to quiz our experts.


The Webinar lasts 15 minutes, followed by a live Q&A session.

We will be hosting this webinar on April 10th at 09:00 CET


 Meet the experts: 

Daniel Loerwald

Senior Sales & Process Engineer, GEA Bischoff

“Waste Heat Recovery is a low-hanging fruit to support your sustainability goals and harness significant financial savings.”

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