WEEE Metal recycling

February 06, 2025 09:00 AM CET

Off-Gas cleaning plants for E-Scrap and Battery Recycling Furnaces.

Pyrometallurgical processes are a step in the recycling process of metals from Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and end-of-life lithium battery components -a practice that is thriving as a solution to the raw materials’ scarcity and dependency on imports, plus it reduces the environmental and energetical impact generated by their extraction while enabling the reduction of CO2 emissions.

However, these recycling plants generate off-gases containing harmful substances. GHG emissions emanate also from the fossil-fuel-powered machinery and there is no standard solution to clean these off-gases. Hence the importance of an off-gas treatment to ensure environmental responsibility and the appropriate managing of greenhouse gas emissions.

The pollutants in the primary off gas are usually cleaned through electrostatic precipitators and gas scrubbers, however, depending on the contaminants, recycling plants often require special or additional gas cleaning equipment to further reduce the sulfur, halogen and NOx content to meet emissions limits -at GEA we have decades of experience and our portfolio covers a huge range of required proven gas cleaning technologies.


During this Webinar you will:

  • Gain insight to GEA’s profound know-how and expertise in tailored gas cleaning solutions.

  • Get to know the different available treatments for the off gases from smelting furnaces.

  • Learn all about the key performance values that can be customized to your specific needs and how.

  • Come in touch with real life application examples.

  • Get a chance to quiz our experts.


The Webinar lasts 25 minutes, followed by a live Q&A session.

We will be hosting this webinar on February 06th at 09:00 CET


Meet the experts:

Miguel Gonzalez

Senior Director Sales - Non-Ferrous & Chemical, GEA Bischoff

“The increasing global demand for raw materials is confronted with their finite nature – hence the relevance of GEA’s expertise. We make it possible to responsibly recycle and reuse already processed metals.”